We are a Members' Club. Membership brings a number of benefits:
The Club meets at the Bristol Branch Club of the RAF Association, and members must comply with their rules. Players may attend a maximum of four times in a year as a guest, but otherwise must join both the RAFA Club and the RAF Association - see below.
The data collected from you when you join is subject to our Privacy Policy which you can read here.
All members of the bridge club must also be members of our hosts, the Bristol RAFA Club, and so they must also join the national RAF Association. The total annual cost is £31, consisting of £14 to join the RAF Association, £7.50 to join the RAFA Club and £9.50 to join the bridge club. All membership forms are available at the club (the form for the bridge club can also be downloaded here), and fees for membership of the RAF Association (annually from date of joining) and the RAFA Club (annually from 1 January) should be paid directly to them, preferably electronically. Membership of the bridge club runs from 1 September. An annual renewal reminder will be emailed to members (or posted if necessary) in late July.
Life Membership is awarded at the discretion of the Committee, and is free.