Preparations for the Christmas party are well in hand. This year the format will be changed slightly:
* We are preparing the sit-down buffet meal ourselves.
* The bar will be open through lunch and all afternoon.
* A Quiz (for tables of four) will replace the Christmas pantomime.
* A raffle will feature as usual, with a Christmas hamper as the star prize.
* And, of course, there will be a full bridge session to end the afternoon. If not paired beforehand, a partner will be found.
Book the date in your diary: Friday 13th December. Doors open at 11:45, lunch will be served from 12:00, followed by the raffle Prize Draw and Quiz. Bridge will start at about 2:00pm and run through to 4:30ish.
The Christmas Party tickets will cost £12 ph this year, to include all food, entertainment and the bridge session. They will be available from early November, from selected Committee members, as will the raffle tickets. Party ticket numbers are limited to 64 (sixteen tables) so buy early to avoid disappointment!